Grassroots Civil society Organizations as promoters of improved food systems and equitable livelihood opportunities (FELLO) project recently conducted its inception and staff orientation workshop on 3-7 July 2023 at Hotel Tilaurakot, Taulihawa of Kapilvastu district.This project is going to be implemented for next 44 months in three rural municipalities of Kapilvastu district - Mayadevi, Yeshodhara and Suddhodhan with an objective to improve food and nutrition security of targted households focusing on vulnerable groups (infants, young children, pregnant/lactating women, adolescent girls). The project is being implemented jointly by FORWARD Nepal and Kalilka Self-reliance Social Centre (KSSC) and funded by BMZ/WHH. Project launching session held on 3rd July was chaired by Kamlesh Sharwan Chaudhary, Chairperson, Suddhodhan Rural Municipality and had the graceful presence of municipal representatives from all 3 palikas, representative from District Coordination Committee, Welthungerhilfe, KSSC and FORWARD Nepal. Immediately after launching the workshop, started the five days of orientation to staff and management on project introduction, reporting compliance, and detailed implementation plan, facilitated by different thematic experts from WHH.
The objectives of the workshop were:
To introduce project with relevant stakeholders and explore possibility for collaboration and leverage
To build network and connections between project team and stakeholders and clarify the project concept and activities to project team
To map out the stakeholders at target area and explore possibility for collaboration and build network and connections among the project team members
To develop MEAL and implementation plan of the project and orient project team on finance, procurement, human resource policies and practices