Thematic Area:
Tuesday, April 19, 2016 to Monday, October 31, 2016
Direct HH Coverage:
3375 households
Project Location:
Sindhuli, Sarlahi and Rautahat
Rural women and families from vulnerable groups in selected VDCs have enhanced capacities for improved nutrition
Rural women from food insecure HH in select VDCs have increased access to resources, sustainable assets and services critical for their food security.
Major Activities:
Provide nutrition supplements to pregnant women and children 6-23 months
Provide supplemental, fortified blended food (super cereal) to pregnant women and children feeding practices
Organize and ensure dissemination of key messages on infant and young child feeding/maternal and infant young child nutrition to the PLW, caregivers and children at the community level food and non-food items and cash transfers distributed to target group
Provide short term employment to rural women
Provide women farmers' group access to irrigation facilities to number of hectares of lands
provide access to women led community agriculture extension service centers (CAESC)
Capacity building of the farmers for operation and maintenance of the assets created for the sustainable use.