Annual Report 2023/24 (2080/81) |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2025-02/FORWARD_Nepal_Annual_Report_2024_%282080%2781%29.pdf |
Annual Report 2023 (2079/80) |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2025-02/FORWARD_Nepal_Annual_Report_2023_%282079%2780%29_.pdf |
33rd Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (16 July 2024 to 15 November 2024) |
Toyanath Gautam, Tirth Kumar Timsina, Prabin Paudel and Ram Dayal Tharu |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2025-02/FORWARD%27s_33_Bulletin_%282024.07.16_2024.11.15%29.pdf |
32nd Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (14 March 2024 to 15 July 2024) |
Srijana Neupane, Toya Gautam and Tirth Kumar Timsina |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2024-09/32nd_Bulletin_of_FORWARD_Nepal.pdf |
31st Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (15 November 2023 to 13 March 2024) |
Srijana Neupane, Toya Gautam and Tirth Kumar Timsina |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2024-09/31st%20Bulletin%20of%20FORWARD%20Nepal.pdf |
30th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (17 July 2023 to 16 Nov. 2023) |
Srijana Neupane, Toya Gautam and Ram Krishna Neupane |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2024-12/30th%20Bulletin%20of%20FORWARD%20Nepal%2817%20July%202023%20to%2016%20Nov%202023%29.pdf |
29th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (15 March 2023 to 16 July 2023) |
Srijana Neupane, Krishna Prasad Sapkota, Ram Krishna Neupane |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2024-09/29th%20Bulletin%20of%20FORWARD%20Nepal%2815%20March%202023%20to%2014%20July%202023%29_0.pdf |
28th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (November 16, 2022 to March 14, 2023) |
Ram Krishna Neupane, Srijana Neupane, Ram Dayal Tharu |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2024-09/28th%20Bulletin%20of%20FORWARD%20Nepal%20%28Nov%2016%2C%202022%20to%20March%2014%2C%202023%29.pdf |
27th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (July 16, 2022 to Nov 15, 2022) |
Srijana Neupane, Krishna Prasad Sapkota and Ram Krishna Neupane |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2024-09/27th%20Bulletin%20of%20FORWARD%20Nepal%20%28July%2016%2C%202022%20to%20Nov%2015%2C%202022%29.pdf |
26th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (March 15, 2022 to July 15, 2022) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
25th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (Nov 17, 2021 to March 14, 2022) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
24th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (July 16, 2021 to Nov 16, 2021) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
23rd Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (March 14, 2021 to July 15, 2021) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
22nd Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (Nov 16, 2020 to March 13, 2021) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
Diversity, conservation and utilization of grain legumes: A potential source for food and nutritional security in Nepal |
Rajendra Darai, Ram Krishna Neupane, Ashutosh Sarkar, Krishna Hari Dhakal, Shiv Kumar Agrawal |
Assessment of nutrient management in major cereals: Yield prediction, energy-use efficiency and greenhouse gas emission. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 4 (2022) 100147. Elsevier. |
Journal article |
Improved nutrient management in cereals using Nutrient Expert and machine learning tools: Productivity, profitability and nutrient-use efficiency. Agricultural Systems 192 (2021) 103181 |
Journal article |
A Journey of a 14-month-old from malnutrition to health- a success story from Nutrition Smart Community project |
Case Study |
/sites/default/files/2024-09/A%20Journey%20of%20a%2014-month-old%20from%20malnutrition%20to%20health.pdf |
Annual Report 2022 (2078/79) |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2024-09/FORWARD_Nepal_Annual_Report_2022_%282078%2779%29_.pdf |
Annual Report 2021 (2077/78) |
Annual report |
Annual Report 2020 (2076/77) |
Annual report |
PSP Dossier 27. |
Harris, D., S.,Azam Ali, B.S. Raguwashi, V.K. Vij, N.P. Khanal and P.K. Shrestha. |
Book/Proceedings |
PSP Dossier 26. |
Harris, D., B.S. Raguwashi, V.K. Vij, N.N. Khanal and P.K. Shrestha. |
Book/Proceedings |
Annual Report 2067/68 |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Annual%20Report%202067-68.pdf |
Annual Report 2068/69 |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Annual%20Report%202068-69.pdf |
Dry season crops for replacing rice-fallows in Nepal. PSP Dossier 1. |
Khanal, N.P. and K.D. Joshi. |
Book/Proceedings |
Village level recycling of Helicoverpa Nuclear Polyhedrovirus for the management of pod borer in chickpea, pigeon pea and tomato. FORWARD Nepal. |
Brochure |
Integrated crop management approach for the resumption of rapeseed in Mid-western region of Nepal. 40. Production and opportunities associated with rapeseed decline in mid-western region of Nepal.Baseline study report. |
Book/Proceedings |
January-March 2014 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/January-March%202014_1st.pdf |
Integrated plant nutrient system in rapeseed in mid-western region of Nepal. Technical Paper No 35 |
Book/Proceedings |
April-June 2014 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/April-%20June%202014_2nd.pdf |
Participatory variety selection in rapeseed in mid western region of Nepal. Technical Paper No. 34 |
Book/Proceedings |
July-Nov 2014 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/17%20July-15%20Nov%202014_3rd.pdf |
Integrated management of aphids in rapeseed in mid-western region of Nepal. Technical Paper No. 33 |
Book/Proceedings |
Annual Report 2069/70 |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Annual%20Report%202069-70.pdf |
Farmers' behavior in selling rice seed in the market. A poster presented in the 11th international conference on dry land development: global climate change and its impacts on food and energy security in the dry lands |
Khanal, N.P, Maharjan, K.L and Neupane, R.K. |
Journal article |
Integrated management of Alternaria blight of rapeseed in mid-western region of Nepal. Technical Paper No. 32 |
Book/Proceedings |
Technology demonstrations and value chain interventions for commercial promotion of lentil in rice fallows in the Terai of Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, Vol.20, No.3 |
2. Neupane, R.K., Sharma A., Aryal, D., Shah, R., Gupta, R.L., and Maldonado, K. |
Journal article |
Regulatory reform of seed systems: benefits and impacts from a case of mungbean in Nepal. Field Crops |
3. Joshi, K.D.; N.P. Khanal, D. Harris, N.N. Khanal, A. Sapkota, K. Khadka, R. Darai, R.K. Neupane, R. Shrestha, J.R. Witcombe |
An assessment of outcome of Plan-FORWARD on-farm livelihood partnership Project in Banke District - FORWARD Consultancy Report |
Book/Proceedings |
Technical efficiency in wheat seed production: A case study from Tarai region of Nepal. 19: 41-50. |
Khanal, N.P., Maharjan, K.L. and Sapkota, A |
Journal article |
Participatory Research approaches rapidly improve household food security in Nepal and identify policy changes required for institutionalization. Field Crop Research, 131(2012), Vol. 125, pp. 40-48. |
5. Joshi, K.D., K.P. Devkota, D. Harris, N.P. Khanal, B. Paudyal, A. Sapkota, J.R. Witcombe |
Annual Report 2070/71 |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Annual%20Report%202014.pdf |
Household consumption of lentils in selected terai districts of Nepal: A study on impact of improved technologies. Proceedings (Abstract) of the second annual nutrition innovation Labs' scientific symposium on science and policy for health agriculture, an |
Neupane, R.K., A. Sharma, D. Aryal, R. Sah |
Journal article |
Climatic impacts on crop yield and its variability in Nepal: Do they vary across seasons and altitudes? Climatic Change |
Poudel, S. and Kotani, |
Journal article |
Nov 2014-March 2015 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/4th%20Bulletin_0.pdf |
Weed management in organic farming through conservation agriculture practices. The Journal of Agriculture and Environment. Vol: 13 |
Baral, K.R |
Journal article |
Household Consumption of grain legumes in Nepal Terai: A study on impact of improved technology. Proceedings of the first scientific symposium on agriculture, food security and nutrition in Nepal: Taking stock and defining priorities NCRSP/JHU, USA |
Neupane, R.K., Thakur. N.S., Jha, P., Pokhrel, D.N., Mahato, B.P., and Sah, R, A. |
Journal article |
March-July 2015 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/5th%20Bulletin.pdf |
Promotion of kidney bean through farmer participatory research at Dailekh district.Kathamndu.NAST.pp:31. Proceedings (Abstracts) of the sixth national conference on Science and technology, |
Neupane, R.K., Sapkota, A., Darai R., and Nigam, S.N. |
Journal article |
July-October 2015 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/6th%20Bulletin.pdf |
Promoting rural livelihoods through riverbed vegetable farming in the Tarai region of Nepal. Journal of International Development and Cooperation, 18(4): 113-121. |
Gurung, G.B., Koirala, P., Pande, D.P., Basnet, D.B., Kafle, O. |
Journal article |
Effects of integrated plant nutrient management (IPNM) practices on the sustainability of maize-based hill farming systems in Nepal. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2(3): 1 – 7 |
Chapagain, T. and G.B. Gurung |
Journal article |
Participatory evaluation and promotion of cereals and grain legumes for enhancing food security at Bajura district, Nepal. Agronomy Journal of Nepal (Agron JN) Vol. 2:75-87. |
Neupane, R.K., Mahato, B.P., Darai, R., and Hamal, B. |
Journal article |
Annual Report 2071/72 |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Annaul%20Report%202015.pdf |
Promotion of lentil farming in Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities (Nepali). Hamro Sampada National Monthly.13:4. ISSSN 2091-2048. PP:27-32 |
Neupane R.K. |
Journal article |
A Glimpse of Best Practices and Success Cases in the SIFS Project ( Siddhi and Shaktikhor VDCs, Chitwan ) |
Book/Proceedings |
The effect of molybdenum loading through seed priming on the growth and yield of spring mungbean in the terai of Nepal. |
Neupane, R.K., Sapkota, A., Gurung, G.B. |
Book/Proceedings |
Nov 2015-March 2016 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/7th%20Bulletin_0.pdf |
Community Based Seed Production Groups: An Approach for Sustainable Seed Supply System. |
Sapkota, A., Khanal, N.P. |
Book/Proceedings |
Baseline Study of the Project "Poverty Reduction through Crops Intensification in Rice Fallow". Baseline Study Report |
Sapkota, A., Khanal, N.P., and Tiwari, U. |
Book/Proceedings |
Regulatory reform of seed systems: benefits and impacts from a case of mungbean in Nepal. Field Crops |
Joshi, K.D.; N.P. Khanal, D. Harris, N.N. Khanal, A. Sapkota, K. Khadka, R. Darai, R.K. Neupane, R. Shrestha, J.R. Witcombe |
Journal article |
कृषकहरुका लागि तालिम निर्देशिका – दीगो एकीकृत कृषि प्रणाली |
Book/Proceedings |
Participatory Research approaches rapidly improve household food security in Nepal and identify policy changes required for institutionalization. Field Crop Research, 131(2012), Vol. 125, pp. 40-48. |
Joshi, K.D., K.P. Devkota, D. Harris, N.P. Khanal, B. Paudyal, A. Sapkota, J.R. Witcombe. |
Journal article |
Forest-Based Enterprises and Success Cases Under Implementation of Forest-Based Enterprise Promotion Programme in Bajura and Doti |
Book/Proceedings |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/MSFP%20Book_1.pdf |
Participatory Research approaches rapidly improve household food security in Nepal and identify policy changes required for institutionalization. Field Crop Research, 131(2012), Vol. 125, pp. 40-48. |
Joshi, K.D., K.P. Devkota, D. Harris, N.P. Khanal, B. Paudyal, A. Sapkota, J.R. Witcombe. |
Journal article |
Value chain Analysis of Rice in Rupandehi District. FORWARD Nepal, Chitwan. |
Gurung, G.B., Khanal, N.P., Sapkota, A., Bhandari B.R. and Uprety, A. |
Book/Proceedings |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Value%20chain%20report-%20Rupandehi.pdf |
April-July 2016 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Bulletin_8th.pdf |
Farmers’ perception on plant protection in India and Nepal: a case study. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, (ICRISAT), Patancheru 502 324, Andhra Pradesh, India. |
Ranga Rao, G.V V; Rameshwar Rao, V.P. Prasanth, N.P. Khanal, N.K. Yadav and C.L.L. Gowda |
Book/Proceedings |
Baseline Study of Reinforcing Resilience Risk Reduction (4R) Project in Kalikot and JajarkotDistricts.CWN and FORWARD. |
Tiwari, U., M. Aryal, D.P. Acharya, B. Pathak, D.B. Thapa and D.P. Pande. |
Climate Change Adaptation Learning for Community |
Brochure/Booklet |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Climate%20Change%20.pdf |
Baseline Study of Reinforcing Resilience Risk Reduction (4R) Project in Kalikot and JajarkotDistricts.CWN and FORWARD. |
Tiwari, U., M. Aryal, D.P. Acharya, B. Pathak, D.B. Thapa and D.P. Pande. |
Baseline Study of Reinforcing Resilience Risk Reduction (4R) Project in Kalikot and JajarkotDistricts.CWN and FORWARD. |
Tiwari, U., M. Aryal, D.P. Acharya, B. Pathak, D.B. Thapa and D.P. Pande. |
Identification and Analysis of Potential Sub Sectors in Kalikot District.CWN and FORWARD. |
Tiwari, U. and D.B. Thapa. |
Book/Proceedings |
September-December |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/9th%20Bulletin_1.pdf |
Identification and Analysis of Potential Sub Sectors in Jajarkot District. CWN and FORWARD. |
Acharya, D.P., U. Tiwari, D.P. Pande and P. Subedi. |
Book/Proceedings |
August - November 2016 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/9th%20Bulletin.pdf |
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in Kalikot District. Study Report. CWN and FORWARD. |
Thapa, D.B., U. Tiwari, D.P. Acharya and D. P. Pande. |
Book/Proceedings |
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in Jajarkot District. Study Report. CWN and FORWARD. |
Thapa, D.B, D.P. Acharya, U. Tiwari and D.P. Pande |
Book/Proceedings |
Annual Report 2072/73 |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/Annual%20Report%202016_0.pdf |
Social cum Policy Constraints for Land Remaining Fallows after Rice in Nepal Terai, Research into Use Program, DFID, UK. |
Ojha, E.R. |
Book/Proceedings |
Integration of Kitchen Gardening Program in Water and Sanitation Component. Study Report of Jumla and Jajarkot. CWN and FORWARD. |
Khatiwada, P., D.P. Acharya and U. Tiwari. |
Book/Proceedings |
Participatory Market Chain Analysis (PMCA) of Vegetables and NTFPs in Banke, Bardiya, and Kailali Districts. USAID-NFRP/FINTRAC Inc. and FORWARD. |
Acharya, D.P., U. Tiwari, R. Dhungana and B. Poudel. |
Book/Proceedings |
December 2016 - June 2017 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
December 2016 - June 2017 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/10th%20Bulletin.pdf |
A proposal for the release of chickpea variety Tara. National Seed Board. Department of Agriculture, Nepal. |
Yadav, N.K, N.P. Khanal, R.K. Neupane, S. Joshi, S.P. Srivastava, D.B. Gharti, P. Thakur, R.R. Sah, C.R. Yadav, P.C.P. Chaurasia, R.B. Chaudhary, P. Gautam, P. Jha, D.N. Pokharel, R.P. Sah, K.D. Joshi and D. Harris. |
Book/Proceedings |
Eco-friendly approaches for the management of fruit worm and yellow leaf curl virus of tomato in mid-western region of Nepal. Proceedings of the 5th National Horticulture Conference. Nepal Academy of Science. Kathmandu. Nepal. |
Khanal, N.P., P. Poudel, D. Acharya, Y.N. Tiwari and J.B. Basnet. |
Book/Proceedings |
July - October 2017 |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/11th%20Bulletin.pdf |
Integrated plant nutrient system in maize. CIMMYT, Kathmandu, Nepal. |
Acharya, D. and N.P. Khanal. |
Book/Proceedings |
Leasehold vegetable farming: An innovative approach for improving livelihoods of landless in the Terai region of Nepal. Proceedings of the 5th National Horticulture Conference. Nepal Academy of Science. Kathmandu. Nepal. |
Acharya D.P., D.P. Pande and N.P. Khanal. |
Book/Proceedings |
PSP Dossier 30. |
Harris, D., A. Rashid, A.M. Musa, JVDK Kumar Rao, M. Kankal and N.P. Khanal. |
Book/Proceedings |
Annual Report 2073/74 |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2025-02/FORWARD_Nepal_Annual_Report_2017.pdf |
Double cropping in rice-fallows system of South Asia. PSP Dossier 35. |
Harris, D., C. Riches, A.M. Musa, JVDK Kumar Rao, M. Kankal, V.K. Vij and N.P. Khanal. |
Book/Proceedings |
FORWARD Brochure |
Brochure/Booklet |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/FORWARD_Nepal_Brochure_2074_%28BS%29.pdf |
12th Bulletin (Nov 2017 - March 2018) of FORWARD |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/12th%20Bulletin_FORWARD.pdf |
13th Bulletin of FORWARD (April 01, 2018 to July 16, 2018) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/13th%20Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%28April_01_2018_to_July_16_2018%29.pdf |
14th Bulletin (July 17, 2018 to October 31, 2018) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
Annual Report 2018 (2074/75) |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/FORWARD_Nepal_Annual_Report_2018_%282074%2775%29_Final%20%281%29.pdf |
15th Bulletin (Nov 01, 2018 to Jan 31, 2019) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/15th_Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%28Nov_2018_to_Jan_31_2019%29.pdf |
16th Bulletin of FORWARD (Feb 01 2019 to April 30, 2019) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/16th_Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%28Feb_01_2019_to_April_30_2019%29.pdf |
17th Bulletin of FORWARD (May 01 2019 to July 16, 2019) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/17th_Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%28May_01_2019_to_July_16_2019%29.pdf |
18th Bulletin (July 17, 2019 to November 16, 2019) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/18th%20Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%28July_17_to_Nov_16_2019%29_0.pdf |
19th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (Nov. 17, 2019 to March 13, 2020) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/19th%20Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%28Nov_17_2019_to_March_13_2020%29.pdf |
20th Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal ((March 14, 2020 to July 15, 2020) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/20th%20Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%28March_14_2020_to_July_15_2020%29.pdf |
21st Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (July 16, 2020 to Nov 15, 2020) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-11/21%20Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%282020.07.16_to_2020.11.15%29%20%281%29.pdf |
Annual Report 2019 (2075/76) |
Annual report |
/sites/default/files/2021-10/FORWARD_Nepal_Annual_Report_2019_%282075%2776%29.pdf |
21st Bulletin of FORWARD Nepal (July 16, 2020 to Nov 15, 2020) |
Bulletin (Quarterly) |
/sites/default/files/2021-10/21%20Bulletin_of_FORWARD_%282020.07.16_to_2020.11.15%29.pdf |
आधारभूत मौरी पालन पुस्तिका – २०७२ |
Book/Proceedings |
Participatory Research approaches rapidly improve household food security in Nepal and identify policy changes required for institutionalization. Field Crop Research, 131(2012), Vol. 125, pp. 40-48. |
Joshi, K.D., K.P. Devkota, D. Harris, N.P. Khanal, B. Paudyal, A. Sapkota, J.R. Witcombe. |
Journal article |
Farmers' behavior in selling rice seed in the market. A poster presented in the 11th international conference on dry land development: global climate change and its impacts on food and energy security in the dry lands |
Khanal, N.P, Maharjan, K.L and Neupane, R.K. |
Journal article |