Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management

Name Position Expertise Based in
Promotion of Rainfed Rabi Cropping in Eastern, Central and Western Terai of Nepal
Poverty Reduction through Crops Intensification in Rice Fallow
Target Group Analysis in RDP/GTZ Project area
A Survey Report on Agro-forestry Practices in the Churiya Forest Development Project Areas
Traditional technology with a modern twist
Promoting new rice and legumes varieties from client-oriented breeding
Promotion of Integrated Plant Nutrition System in Maize-based Cropping Patterns
Comparative Advantage Analysis of Plan Working VDCs in Makwanpur District
Formulation of a Comprehensive Report on Praja Development Program
Developing Baseline Census Profile of Foster Child Families and Assessing Domain Wise Situation to Support Future Development Intervention by Plan Makwanpur
Promotion of Integrated Pest Management Approaches against Fruit Borer and Viral Diseases of Tomato in Mid Western Development Region of Nepal
Conflict Transformation Assistance to IDPs in Mid Western Development Region of Nepal
Study on the Improvement of Productivity and Production of Oilseed Crops through Integrated Crop Management Practices in the Mid-western Region of Nepal
Study on Efficacy of Sisno Pani (nettle water extract) in Controlling Disease and Pests of Major Vegetable Crops of Mid Hills of Nepal
Cultural Research on Samayo for its Domestication on Terrace Risers and in Community Forest Areas
Research and Analysis of Agricultural Inputs Sector in Selected Districts of Nepal
Baseline Survey for Feed the Future (FtF) Nepal
Adoption of Improved Maize Varieties in the Hills of Nepal and the Impact of Community Based Seed Production
Transfer, Evaluation and Dissemination of an Innovative Fertilizer Management Tool (Nutrient Expert) for increasing crop yields and farmers’ income in Eastern Nepal
Socioeconomic study on maize production and evaluation and dissemination of Nutrient Expert+ tool based on farmer typologies in eastern terai of Nepal
Scoping study to identify and select sites for livestock shed construction in Makwanpur district
Scoping study to identify and select sites for Community Seed Grain Storage Bank construction in Makwanpur district
Gender Transformative - Community Resilient (GET-CRDRM) Project
Strengthening Community Resilience through WASH & DRM Project in Sunsari District
Strengthen Community Resilience to Disaster through Safe School Initiatives in Sunsari Project
Reducing Disaster Risk and Enhancing Emergency Response Capacities in Multi-Hazrd Risk Prone Urban Areas of Nepal
Piloting Climate Services for Agriculture and Tourism Sector in Chitwan
Resilient Ecosystems (Climate Change Addressing Interventions) – Riverbed Farming
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